Arnold Bloom Talks Solar on Good Day Sacramento

Arnold Bloom, UC Davis Professor and resident, makes Good Day Sacramento’s Melissa Cabral chuckle regarding his lifespan with solar. Aztec Solar Customer on Good Day Sacramento. In this short interview Arnold talks about his 5 year payback for his Solar Hot Water system installed by Aztec Solar. Arnold and his wife Joy, have a lot of enthusiasm regarding their decision for solar hot water, Aztec was a great solution for their remodel. They are both happy with their system, harvesting plenty of hot water from the sun, saving money monthly on their utility bills and at the same time supporting local business. The bloom family enjoyed a nice rebate from PG&E as well as a 30% federal tax credit. Arnold says he wouldn’t go solar if it was not economically viable, however it also means something to him as a Professor of Climate Change to do his part in this energy game. Find out more about going solar thermal on your home.

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