More and more businesses in the Sacramento region and across the world are utilizing the power of solar to help protect the environment and decrease energy costs.
A new example comes in the air transportation industry. Airport operator Aena, which flew 280 million people in 2017, is investing more than $280 million in solar panels for 20 of its airports. The airline has an airport in the U.K., plus 46 more in Spain. The company expects such changes, in addition to what it is currently doing with renewable energy, to cut its emissions by 40 percent by 2025.
Decreasing energy consumption of airports is something that is much needed. Reports indicate that the average airport requires around 19.7 kilowatt-hours per square foot on an annual basis.
With large airports like this jumping on board with solar, it only provides more proof of its power. Think of what it could do for your home and decreasing your electricity bill. The hot summer of Sacramento is quickly approaching, so now is the time to start thinking about taking action!
Contact us today at 916.853.2700.