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What to Look For in a Residential Solar Sacramento Company

What to Look For in a Residential Solar Sacramento Company

As interest in renewable energy continues to rise, many Sacramento homeowners are turning to solar panel systems to reduce their carbon footprint and save on energy bills. However, with numerous solar companies in Sacramento, selecting the right one can be tough. In this blog, we’ll explore the essential elements the best solar companies exhibit that’ll help you narrow down the options of residential solar companies in Sacramento.

Reputation and Experience

The reputation and experience of a solar company can provide valuable insight into the their track record, customer satisfaction and overall competence in the solar industry.

A respectable solar company has likely earned its reputation through consistent delivery of high-quality products and services. Customer reviews and ratings on various platforms provide a snapshot into what past clients have experienced. A company with a favorable reputation is more likely to prioritize customer satisfaction, uphold ethical business practices and address any concerns promptly.

The longevity of a solar company also suggests its ability to stay competitive in a dynamic industry. Companies that have stood the test of time are often better equipped to provide reliable products and services, as they have accumulated industry knowledge in installing solar panels, understand all of the solar incentives available, including the federal solar tax credit. Relationships with suppliers, adherence to local building code requirements and fine-tuned operations also add to a company’s credibility. Furthermore, experienced solar installers are more likely to have a portfolio of completed projects, showcasing their expertise in delivering successful solar installations for a diverse range of clients.

Customization and Design Services

Every home is unique, and cookie-cutter solutions may not be suitable for solar installations. Look for companies that offer customization and design services tailored to your specific energy needs and the architectural features of your home. A well-designed solar system not only maximizes energy production but also elevates the aesthetic appeal of your property.

Comprehensive Services 

A reliable solar installation company sets itself apart by providing an all-encompassing range of services that address every facet of the solar installation process, from the initial consultation to post-installation support. This holistic approach ensures a smooth and satisfactory experience for customers, maximizing the efficiency and longevity of their solar power systems.

Initial Consultation

The process begins with a thorough consultation where the solar company meets with the homeowner to understand their energy needs, budget constraints and any specific preferences. During this phase, a reputable company will conduct a detailed site assessment, taking into account factors such as the property’s orientation, shading, available roof space and local climate conditions. The goal is to provide a personalized and accurate analysis, laying the foundation for a tailored solar solution.


Following the initial consultation, the solar company should use its expertise to design a customized solar system that meets the homeowner’s energy requirements. This involves selecting the most suitable solar panels, inverters and other components, while also considering aesthetic and regulatory requirements. A well-designed solar system maximizes energy production, enhances the property’s visual appeal and ensures compliance with local regulations.


A reliable company excels in a solar panel installation. This includes securing the necessary permits, coordinating with local authorities and implementing the process with precision. Certified and seasoned technicians typically adhere to the highest industry standards and best practices are installing the solar equipment. A commitment to quality workmanship during solar panel installations is essential for the long-term performance and durability of the system.


Reputable Sacramento solar companies understand the significance of instilling confidence in its customers through comprehensive warranties. Such a company should offer warranties that cover various components of the solar power system, including solar panels, inverters and workmanship.

A warranty on solar panels may extend up to 25 years, assuring customers of the durability and long-term performance of the equipment. In addition, reputable companies often provide warranties on inverter performance, ensuring the efficient conversion of solar energy into electricity.

Beyond product warranties, trustworthy Sacramento solar installers stand behind the quality of their work to address any issues that may arise during the system’s early operational years. These warranties not only safeguard the customer’s investment but also underscore the company’s commitment to delivering a reliable and enduring solar solution.

Customer Service and Support

A commitment to excellent customer service is crucial when selecting a residential solar company. Pay attention to how the company communicates, responds to inquiries and handles customer issues. A company with responsive and knowledgeable customer support ensures a smoother installation process and ongoing satisfaction with your solar power system.

Local Expertise

A solar company with local expertise has several advantages. Local companies are familiar with the specific climate, regulations and incentives in Sacramento. Additionally, working with a local company simplifies communication and accelerates response times.

Aztec Solar Is Your Trusted Residential Solar Sacramento Company 

Homeowners in Sacramento should consider Aztec Solar as their premier choice for residential solar installation. With over four decades of dedicated service, we’ve established ourselves as a trusted local leader, boasting a proven track record of successful solar installations across the region.

By choosing Aztec Solar, you’re not only investing in cutting-edge solar technology but also benefiting from a company deeply rooted in the Sacramento community. We deliver sustainable and cost-effective energy solutions with a commitment to excellence that extends well beyond the installation process.

Contact us today to get started.

Embracing Solar Power: A 2024 Resolution for a Sustainable Future

Embracing Solar Power: A 2024 Resolution for a Sustainable Future

2024 will be here before we know it. Many people around the world seek resolutions to enhance their lives, whether it’s adopting healthier habits, pursuing personal growth or working toward a better world. Now more than ever, one of the most impactful and fulfilling resolutions for homeowners to consider is the transition to solar power. Solar energy advantages are many. Transitioning to solar energy not only offers numerous financial benefits but also plays a substantial role in fostering sustainability and a more eco-friendly future.

Long-Term Financial Savings

Solar systems provide an outstanding return on investment. Over time, homeowners can experience reduced or eliminated electricity bills as they generate their own power from their solar panel system. There are many incentives, rebates and tax credits available to Sacramento homeowners for installing solar panels, further making the transition financially viable.

Having a solar power system makes financial sense as energy costs persistently escalate over time. Solar power systems produce electricity for homeowners to use, significantly reducing or even eliminating their reliance on the grid. This proactive step shields homeowners from rising utility rates. The initial investment in solar panels eventually pays off by providing a sustainable and cost-effective energy solution.

Solar energy storage also plays a pivotal role in mitigating utility costs during peak pricing periods. Using storage systems, such as batteries, enables the retention of excess energy produced during the day to be used later during peak demand when electricity rates are higher. This stored energy becomes invaluable during evenings or times when solar energy production is lower, ensuring a consistent and reliable power supply without relying on the grid. By utilizing stored excess electricity from solar during peak demand times, homeowners can avoid higher utility rates, effectively reducing their dependence on the grid and ultimately keeping their overall utility costs low.

Increased Accessibility and Efficiency

Advancements in solar technology have made solar energy more accessible, affordable and efficient, leading to a widespread adoption of this renewable energy source.

One of the major improvements is the enhancement in solar panel efficiency. Testing and data validation from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) reveal that modern solar panels can turn sunlight into more electricity than earlier models. Improvements in materials, such as the development of more efficient photovoltaic cells and better manufacturing techniques, have significantly increased the energy efficiency of solar panels. Higher efficiency means that a smaller solar energy system is needed to generate the same amount of electricity, making them more cost-effective.

There has also been a dramatic reduction in the cost of solar panels. Advances in technology, optimized manufacturing methods and scaled-up production have notably lowered their cost of solar panels, making solar energy a more appealing and budget-friendly choice for homeowners.

A Cleaner Environment

Transitioning to solar power represents an investment for a more sustainable way of life and a healthier environment. With solar panels installed, homeowners can tap into the clean, renewable energy of the sun to produce electricity for their households. This significantly reduces reliance on fossil fuels and power plants, lessening greenhouse gas emissions and minimizing our carbon footprint. The transformation goes beyond individual homes, playing a part in a united effort to combat climate change and safeguard the planet for future generations.

As with any resolution, making the shift to solar power requires commitment and planning. Conducting thorough research, consulting with solar energy providers and understanding the available incentives and financing options are important steps in the process. Evaluating the property for its solar potential and assessing the energy needs are also crucial in determining the right solar system.

Homeowners Choose Aztec Solar as Their Sacramento Solar Company

Homeowners are opting for Aztec Solar to fulfill their Sacramento solar energy system installation needs due to the company’s flawless reputation, exceptional service and proven expertise.

Aztec Solar, a locally trusted and established solar energy provider in Sacramento, stands out for our decades-long commitment to delivering high-quality solar solutions. With an excellent track record, we offer tailored, efficient and reliable solar systems customized to meet each homeowner’s specific energy requirements. Our experienced professionals ensure a seamless installation process, providing comprehensive support from the initial consultation to post-installation service and maintenance. This has earned us the trust and confidence of Sacramento homeowners seeking a reliable and reputable partner in their transition to clean, renewable energy.

Contact us today to learn more.

The Resilience of Solar Panels in Cloudy Conditions

The Resilience of Solar Panels in Cloudy Conditions

Solar power comes from the luminous light and warmth of the sun and is a sustainable, eco-friendly substitute for conventional fossil fuels. One frequently asked question about solar panels is do solar panels work on cloudy days? There is a misconception that solar panels depend solely on direct sunlight for power generation. On the contrary, solar panels can produce electricity even in overcast conditions! This remarkable resilience showcases the adaptability and efficiency of solar technology.

Diffuse Radiation

Cloud cover reduces the intensity of sunlight reaching solar panels, impacting their capacity to generate power. However, even on overcast days, solar panels continuously produce electricity. This phenomenon is attributed to the ability of solar panels to harness diffuse radiation, which is the scattered sunlight that reaches the Earth’s surface despite cloud coverage. While direct sunlight provides the most substantial energy yield, diffuse radiation ensures that solar panels remain operational during cloudy weather.

Innovations in Solar Panel Technology

Solar panel efficiency under cloudy conditions can be attributed to developments in solar panel technology. Modern solar panels are designed to optimize light absorption and energy conversion, thus increases solar panel performance. Innovations in materials and manufacturing techniques have enhanced the performance of solar cells, enabling them to capture a bigger range of light. This versatility allows solar panels to continue generating electricity, albeit at a reduced capacity, during cloudy or overcast weather.

Furthermore, research and development in the solar energy sector continues to improve the resilience of solar panels. Emerging technologies, such as bifacial solar panels and advanced tracking systems, aim to augment solar production under varying light conditions. Bifacial panels have the capability to use light from both sides of the panels, increasing energy yield by utilizing reflected and indirect sunlight. Meanwhile, tracking systems enable a solar panel system to follow the sun’s path, optimizing their orientation for better light absorption and compensating for reduced sunlight during cloudy days.

Implications for Cloudy Regions

The ability of a solar power system to generate electricity under cloudy skies holds significant implications for regions with frequent cloud cover or fluctuating weather patterns. They can still benefit from a solar power system, ensuring a more consistent power supply. The resilience of solar panel cells in less-than-ideal weather contributes to the reliability and stability of solar energy systems, making them a viable and dependable source of electricity.

Factors of Energy Production

It’s important to acknowledge that, while solar energy generation persists during cloudy weather, the output is significantly lower compared to bright, sunny days. How much energy produced depends on factors like cloud thickness and density, time of day and geographical location. Thus, integrating a complementary energy source or solar battery storage can ensure a more consistent and reliable energy supply, especially during prolonged periods of cloud cover.

Continued advancements in photovoltaic technology and the development of innovative solutions have enhanced the efficiency of solar panels, enabling them to harness diffuse radiation and produce electricity even when direct sunlight is limited. This not only contributes to the reliability of solar energy but also broadens its applicability across diverse environmental conditions, reinforcing the importance of solar power in the transition towards a sustainable and greener future.

Choose Aztec Solar, Your Sacramento Solar Company

Sacramento homeowners seeking reliable, efficient and environmentally conscious solar solutions should consider Aztec Solar. With over four decades of experience in the Sacramento solar industry, Aztec Solar has established itself as a trusted and reputable provider, offering top-tier solar panel systems tailored to individual home requirements.

We’re committed to quality, evidenced by our use of high-performance and durable components. Our team of skilled professionals install solar panels seamlessly, ensuring optimal energy production. Aztec Solar’s dedication to customer satisfaction, coupled with our extensive knowledge and support throughout the installation process, make us a standout choice for homeowners looking to transition to sustainable, cost-effective solar energy solutions.

Contact us today to get started.

Sacramento Solar Battery Storage: A Sustainable Energy Revolution

Sacramento Solar Battery Storage: A Sustainable Energy Revolution

The global community faces an ever-pressing need to transition toward sustainable and environmentally friendly energy sources. Solar energy, harnessed through photovoltaic (PV) panels, has emerged as a significant part of this transition, offering a clean, renewable and abundant energy source. However, to fully realize the potential of solar power, we need more than just the sun; we need a means to store this energy efficiently. Sacramento solar battery storage systems are now a crucial component of the renewable energy ecosystem, providing numerous benefits that underscore their indispensability.

Maximizing Solar Energy Generation

Solar panels, designed to capture sunlight and convert it into electricity, are most productive during daylight hours when the sun is shining. However, this natural energy source follows a diurnal pattern, meaning it is abundant during the day but absent at night. Unfortunately, peak energy demand often occurs in the evening when people return home from work or school, turn on appliances and engage in various activities. This discrepancy between solar energy production and peak demand can present challenges for an energy supply.

Solar batteries have become a solution to bridge this gap. During sunny periods when solar panels generate more energy than is immediately needed, surplus electricity is stored in these batteries. This surplus energy is then released when night falls or on cloudy days when solar energy production is reduced. This process ensures a consistent energy supply, effectively extending the usability of solar-generated electricity beyond daylight hours.

Solar batteries act as a buffer, allowing homeowners, businesses and communities to optimize their solar energy production and consumption, aligning it more closely with peak demand times.

Cost Savings

With solar batteries, energy can be stored when electricity rates are low (off-peak) and then used when rates are higher (peak). This smart energy management strategy enables consumers to save money by avoiding the purchase of expensive grid electricity at peak rate.

Energy Independence

Grid electricity is typically reliable. However, it is not immune to disruptions, whether due to natural disasters, infrastructure failures or other unforeseen events. In such situations, power outages can occur, causing inconvenience and, in some cases, financial loss. Solar batteries work as a safeguard against these disruptions. By storing excess solar energy during normal conditions, you can go off grid and they can provide a continuous source of electricity during power outages, enhancing energy reliability and continuation.

Resilience in Emergencies

Solar batteries provide a lifeline during emergencies. They can power critical appliances, such as lighting, refrigeration and medical equipment, enhancing the resilience of households and communities.

Continuous energy supply

When a power outage occurs, whether due to severe weather, equipment failures or other unforeseen events, solar batteries seamlessly switch to provide backup power. This uninterrupted energy supply is crucial for maintaining the functionality of essential systems and devices in homes and communities.

Critical loads

Solar battery systems can be configured to give priority to essential loads. These loads typically include important appliances and systems that power your home, such as lighting, refrigeration (to prevent food spoilage), heating/cooling systems and medical equipment. By ensuring these critical loads remain powered during an outage, solar batteries can be a lifesaver.

Reduced health risks

For individuals with medical conditions requiring specific equipment, such as oxygen concentrators, CPAP machines, dialysis machines, etc., power outages can be life-threatening. Solar batteries keep a continuous supply of electricity to these vital medical devices, reducing health risks and potentially saving lives.

Technological Advancements

Advancements in solar battery storage have been significant in recent years, driven by technological innovation, increased demand for renewable energy and a growing focus on energy efficiency. These advancements have improved the affordability and usability of solar battery storage systems. Some key developments are:

Increased energy density

Innovations in battery chemistry have resulted in higher energy density. This means that solar battery capacity is higher in a smaller and lighter shell, making them more space-efficient and easier to install.

Longer lifespan

Battery technology has improved in terms of durability and lifespan. Advancements in battery chemistry, such as lead acid batteries or lithium-ion technology, have led to batteries with a higher tolerance for deeper discharges without as much degradation. This means that modern solar batteries have longer lifespans, even when they are cycled to deeper depth of discharge levels.

Many modern solar batteries are designed to last from 10 to 15 years or more, reducing the need for frequent replacements and increasing the return on investment.

Cost reduction

With increased production volume, solar batteries have steadily become less expensive. The cost reduction in deep cycle batteries has made solar battery storage more accessible to a wider range of homeowners and businesses.

Smart battery management

Advanced battery management systems (BMS) are now integrated into many solar batteries. These systems optimize charging and discharging cycles, extend battery life and improve overall system efficiency. Some BMS also incorporate artificial intelligence to predict energy usage patterns, further optimizing energy storage.

Remote monitoring and control

A solar battery system today will likely come with remote monitoring and control capabilities. This allows users to track the amount of energy being produced and consumed, monitor battery performance and make adjustments to optimize energy usage.

Energy storage innovation

Beyond lithium-ion batteries, research and development are ongoing in alternative energy storage technologies, such as flow batteries, solid-state batteries and new materials. These innovations aim to further improve energy density, safety and cost-effectiveness.

Solar storage is not a mere accessory to a solar energy system; it addresses the intermittency of solar power generation and offers a myriad of benefits.

Choose Aztec Solar, The Best Solar Battery Storage Provider in Sacramento

With a legacy of over four decades, Aztec Solar has consistently delivered high-quality solar solutions, including cutting-edge battery storage technology. Our team of experts is renowned for their expertise in designing, installing and maintaining solar battery systems. No matter what your situation is, we will figure out which solar battery is best for you.

Our commitment to customer satisfaction, top-notch service and a proven track record of reliability makes us the ideal partner for you to harness the full potential of solar energy. Contact us today to get started.

Solar Panel Placement and Orientation: Maximizing Solar Energy Harvest in Sacramento

Solar Panel Placement and Orientation: Maximizing Solar Energy Harvest in Sacramento

The harnessing of solar energy through photovoltaic (PV) panels has emerged as a cornerstone of the global transition toward sustainable and renewable energy sources. However, to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of Sacramento solar panels, careful consideration must be given to their placement and orientation.

In this article, we’ll explore how solar panel arrangement can ensure the efficient conversion of sunlight into electricity in Sacramento.

Factors Influencing Solar Panel Placement

Solar Exposure

The most fundamental factor affecting solar panel placement is exposure to sunlight. Panels should be installed in locations with ample sunlight throughout the day, and as little shade as possible from neighboring structures, trees or other obstructions.

  1. Sunlight availability: The amount of sunlight a panel receives directly impacts its energy production. Installing panels in locations with abundant sunlight ensures higher solar energy production, making the system more efficient and cost-effective over its lifetime.
  2. All-day exposure: For optimal energy generation, solar panels should be exposed to sunlight for as much of the day as possible. This means choosing locations where the panels can absorb light from sunrise to sunset, maximizing their potential.
  3. Reduced shading: Shading is a significant concern for solar panels. Even a tiny bit of shade on a solar panel can lead to a substantial decrease in its electricity production. Shading may occur from nearby buildings, trees, chimneys, or other obstructions. Therefore, it is important to place solar panels in areas where shading is minimal or nonexistent.
  4. Energy efficiency: Solar panels operate most efficiently when they are uniformly illuminated. Shadows on panels can create “hot spots” where the cells overheat, leading to reduced efficiency and potential damage. By minimizing shading, panels can maintain a more consistent temperature and operate at peak efficiency.
  5. Avoid energy loss: Shaded panels not only produce less energy but can also draw power from the rest of the array, leading to energy loss. Solar inverters are designed to optimize the overall output of the system, but if multiple panels are consistently shaded, it can negatively impact the entire array’s performance.

A site analysis to determine solar exposure is a crucial initial step. It provides valuable information that guides the placement, orientation and design of the system, ultimately leading to higher solar power generation and better financial returns.

Latitude and Climate

The latitude of the installation site plays a pivotal role in determining the optimal tilt angle for solar panels. Local climate conditions, including snowfall and rainfall patterns, also influence tilt angles to ensure self-cleaning and prevent snow accumulation.

Roof Orientation and Pitch

For residential installations, roof orientation significantly impacts solar panel placement. In Sacramento, a south-facing roof receives the most sunlight throughout the day, making it the best direction for solar panel installation. Other viable options in terms of direction for solar panels are east or west, albeit with slightly reduced efficiency for east or west facing panels.

The pitch or slope of a roof can also impact the positioning and alignment of solar panels. Panels are typically installed parallel to the roof’s slope, but racking systems can be used to achieve the desired angle.

Aesthetics and Regulations

While rooftop solar systems have their benefits, solar panels installed on the ground have advantages as well. The installation of ground-mounted solar panels facing the optimal direction and at the ideal tilt angle for maximum sun exposure is actually preferred. This flexibility can result in improved energy production.

Aesthetic considerations and local regulations may limit the placement and orientation of solar panels. Homeowners and businesses should be aware of these constraints and find a balance between efficiency and visual appeal.

Factors Influencing Solar Panel Orientation

Tilt Angle

The solar panel tilt angle is a critical determinant of their orientation. The solar panel angle at which the system is installed should take full advantage of the sun’s rays throughout the year. This is typically achieved by calculating the latitude-specific optimum tilt angle or using tracking systems that follow the sun’s path.


Azimuth refers to the compass direction to which solar panels are oriented. In Sacramento, south-facing solar panels generally receive the most sunlight. But the best solar production may not be at 180 degrees for every system. South facing panels can deviate somewhat in azimuth angles to optimize energy production based on local conditions.

Tracking Systems

Solar tracking systems are engineered to track the sun’s movement throughout the day, making continuous adjustments to both the tilt angle and azimuth to maintain maximum efficiency. While these systems can significantly increase energy production, they are more complex and costly.

Solar panel placement and orientation are critical factors that can significantly impact the efficiency and energy output of a photovoltaic system. Careful consideration of these factors can mean the difference between a system that merely meets energy needs and one that exceeds them, maximizing the return on investment for homeowners and businesses.

Contact Aztec Solar for a Sacramento Solar Power System Site Analysis

Aztec Solar is a trusted and experienced provider of solar energy solutions in Sacramento and beyond. Our expertise in solar technology and installation allows us to provide you with a comprehensive site analysis.

By reaching out to Aztec Solar, you’ll receive a detailed assessment of your property’s solar potential, including factors like solar exposure, shading analysis and optimal panel placement. This invaluable information enables homeowners to make informed decisions about the feasibility and design of a solar energy system, ensuring maximum energy generation, efficiency and long-term savings.

With our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, you can embark on your solar journey with confidence, knowing you have a reliable partner to guide you toward a sustainable and cost-effective energy solution. Contact us today.

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