How do you know if solar is right for you?

Are you considering going solar? If so, you may have wondered:

-Can I really get paid by my electric company?

-Will my electric meter spin backwards?

-How much will I pay each month?

-How do I know if my home is a good candidate?

Luckily, for you, we’ve created a Solar Electric Buyer’s Guide to help you to decide if going solar is the right decision for you, your family and your home. We figured out some of the most frequently asked questions by potential solar customers and packed them together in one place.

Our goal is to educate you about what solar electricity is, how it works, and what it can do for you. Not every home is a good candidate for solar, and this guide will help you determine whether or not solar is for you.

There are so many different options when choosing solar, and we want to make sure you know about each and every possibility. Switching to solar power is a big step, and our goal is to help you get all of the information you need before you decide to make the switch to solar panels, so that you are comfortable and happy with your purchase.

Get started today- download our Buyer’s Guide here:

We are here to answer any questions you might have, so if you don’t find the answers you are looking for in our Buyer’s Guide, give us a call today! (916) 853-2700

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