It’s everywhere. Our cars, homes and factories around us all contribute to destroying the quality of air.
There is one major way we can help battle pollution, though, and the answer is shining down on us: solar power.
According to Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA)
“…solar is providing a big boost to our environment. The 14,800 megawatts (MW) of solar currently installed in the United States can generate enough pollution-free electricity to displace 18 billion pounds of coal or 1.8 billion gallons of gasoline. That’s the equivalent of removing 3.5 million passenger cars off our roads and highways. For state’s trying to meet new, enhanced air quality standards, solar can be a real game changer.”
On Monday, June 2,The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released its new standards, which are requiring that by 2030, power plants cut their carbon emissions by 30 percent.
EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy says:
“…[pollution] super charges risks not just to our health — but to our communities, our economy, and our way of life … For the sake of our families’ health and our kids’ future, we have a moral obligation to act on climate … The science is clear. The risks are clear. And the high costs of climate inaction keep piling up.”
The SEIA report indicates:
“Solar is the fastest growing renewable source of energy … Historically, air pollution emission reduction from the electric sector has been achieved primarily through pollution control equipment at power plants. Today, the EPA and states recognize that the reduction of carbon emissions from the electric sector requires a new approach that treats the production and delivery of electric power as a broad system, in which power plant modifications, demand side reductions and renewable energy all contribute to emission reductions.”
Helping diminish your carbon footprint is easy. With solar, you can reduce pollution, reduce greenhouse gases and reduce, or completely eliminate, your power bill. It’s a win for the planet and for you.