There’s big news coming out of the solar industry! There’s growing promise that we can utilize alternative energy and someday replace our current power consumption sources with clean, renewable energy.
Researchers at the University of California, Irvine, California Institute of Technology, and Carnegie Institution for Science found that wind and solar energy could supply 80 percent of the energy needs in the U.S. The researchers did note that in order for this to happen, improvements to transmission and storage would need to take place.
Overall, Aztec Solar thinks this news is great! It is just more evidence of how important solar energy is for our future. We’ve found solar energy to be a resource that benefits not only our customers but our environment as a whole, including our future global and environmental health. It’s our hope that we’ll see an increase in investment dollars to start the transition from fossil fuel energy to renewable energy.
Aztec Solar had a vision more than 30 years ago. We believe in the future and power of green energy. Our foresight and understanding of tomorrow’s challenges inspired us to provide affordable energy solutions for homes and businesses across the Sacramento region. As more and more people support these green initiatives and as prices decrease, we encourage you to take a good look at what it can mean to you – and the entire planet. Green energy is more than just saving on your monthly electricity bill. It truly can pave the way for a brighter and healthier planet, create good-paying jobs, and transform our mindset that anything is possible.
To learn more about how much you can save and our solar products and services, please contact us.